Program & Speakers


Donna Cutler-Landsman is an educational consultant, speaker, author and advocate who plans special education programs on behalf of children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and others with complicated learning needs. She is a retired educator who has spent 36 years in the classroom, teaching children in grades K through 8, and as an advisor to the gifted program in the Middleton Cross Plains Area School District in Wisconsin. In addition Donna has served as a cooperating teacher with the School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison for 15 years and has won an Excellence in Teaching Award in Economics Education.

Since 1994, she has been actively involved with issues related to the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and education throughout the United States and abroad. She began her own consulting business, Cutler-Landsman Consulting, LLC and since 2012 she has focused her efforts on assisting families and school districts with meeting the needs of children with complex medical needs. Donna is past president and U.S. Regional Director of the Velo Cardio Facial Education Foundation,  serves on the board of the 22q International Foundation, and consults for the 22q Family Foundation and for the VCFS Virtual Center.

In 2008, she wrote the first book dealing with learning issues associated with the syndrome. The book, Educating Children with Velo Cardio Facial Syndrome, is now in its third edition. Donna has presented to groups throughout the U.S. and abroad on 22q11.2 issues and has also produced teacher-training webcasts and a book for children with special needs entitled, So, What’s the Difference. Donna’s website is